Alumni Spotlight: Bethuel Lafalaise (Computer Science ‘22)

A young man smiles looking at the camera. He is wearing a white shirt and a blue bowtie.

Bethuel Lafalaise is one of HELP’s newest graduates! Bethuel completed his degree in computer science in July; he writes, “When I joined HELP as a scholarship holder in 2018, I was not very confident. I didn’t know my strengths or weaknesses very clearly, but I had a strong and unshakeable motivation.  My time at HELP allowed me to address my obstacles to progress. I now better understand how to build my professional life in order to have an impact; the knowledge I gained at HELP (English, Leadership, IT) has prepared me for the professional world.” 

“HELP is a place that sparks hope in uncertain hearts: hope for a better life, hope for a better Haiti, hope that through education, change is possible.” 

"I cannot fully express my gratitude to my sponsor, the Haitan Timoun Foundation. Thank you for believing in a better, more fruitful future for Haiti and offering the opportunity for success to a young person like me.  Thanks to your support, I too can help other young people.” 

Bethuel quickly found his first job right here at HELP!  He is working in the Haiti development office as a data and information specialist, and we are grateful for his contributions! Bethuel shared a little of his experience working at HELP so far, saying, “When I was a student, I didn't really understand the program in depth, nor the many sacrifices made to provide scholarships to youth in need. Now that I am on staff, working as a database assistant at HELP, I have begun to better understand and love what HELP has been doing for so long."

"Even if the situation in Haiti gets worse, this will be a year we will all be proud of. Our leadership, our sense of responsibility, and our responses to difficulties will be tested. We have faced so many challenges over the past five years. We will face those to come as we have before, because we have a mission to achieve and hope to give. And at the end of this year, we will be able to say that we did it again.” 


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